
Annoying boss (transcript)

Original Source

This is a translation of a transcript of the comedy skit

Boss: That’s why I’ve been thinking about how it’s already like working 24 hours a day. From morning until night. there’s really no time left to rest. That’s why I think it’s our job to think not about what can be done in these times, but instead think concretely about what can be done precisely because we’re in these times. I’ve been thinking about what kind of ideas would be good in these times. Yeah um, Kanami, what do you think? I kinda want some ideas. Huh? Kanami? Uh, sorry but what is this, Kanami? What? Sorry, but why is this a virtual background?

Kanami: Yes.

Boss: No, it’s not “yes”. Even though we’re working remotely, these are work hours. You know that right?

Kanami: Ah, sorry.

Boss: No, it’s not “sorry! There’s no way I could do something like this. I mean if that’s your attitude, doesn’t that reflect in your results?

Kanami: Yes.

Boss: What?

Man: Ah, crap

Boss: What, There’s no way! What! You had no intention of listening to this meeting from the very beginning huh!

Man: No, sorry. I mean that’s not right.

Boss: This...you have zero self respect as an employee. What? What’s happening? Hey, Otoda, you’re also doing it right? You’re doing it! This. Yeah, okay everyone gather up. Sorry but, gather up. I’m gonna give you all a good scolding. Hey, Otoda hurry up and come. Stop this virtual background stuff. You’re definitely using a virtual background!

Otoda: Uh, what?

Boss: Oh...you’re not virtual.

Otoda: Ah, no I am not virtual...

ダルい上司「だから本当もう24時間仕事のこと考えてたよ、朝から晩まで、もう休む暇なんて全然ない。 だから、こういう時代何ができるとかじゃなくて、こういう時代だからこそ何ができるかっていうのを具体的に考えるのが、 俺らの仕事だと思っているから、そんときになんかどういうアイデアがいいかなっていう風に思うんだよね。 なんかさ、カナミちゃんとかさ、どういう風に思う?アイデアが欲しいんだけど。 ん?カナミちゃん?うん、ごめん、これどうなってる?カナミちゃん。 え?ごめん、これなんでバーチャル背景なんだっけ? 」


上司「いや、 はい、じゃなくて、いや在宅とはいえ、勤務中なんだよ?わかってる?」

カナミ「あー、 すみません」





上司「え、それはちょっとないんじゃない? え?」  「はじめから、その、聞く気ないじゃん。」

男「いや、 すいません。違います。」




乙田くん「あ、 ぼくはバーチャルじゃないです。」

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